I am currently managing a project with numerous tasks and subtasks in Workfront. Each subtask represents an Asset ID with its respective production status. These subtasks have corresponding issues created for them. Could you please advise on how I can ensure that any updates made to a subtask are au...
I was working in Fusion earlier today (as one does) and I saw a new green Workfront lion. It was for "Adobe WF Dev." I was intrigued post supper and attempted to create a connection...and was unable to. I then attempted to click the "online help" link and got this: I don't recall seeing this until...
What is the benefit of connecting Fusion to MS apps (sharepoint, onedrive) using a Microsoft Account versus a Client ID & Secret? I believe the MS User Account could be used across all apps while the Client ID & Secret route would need to be setup for each app. Is that correct?
Our Fusion automation that connects us to Dropbox and then pulls files into Workfront following the filepath of links on Projects has broken due to a recent Dropbox update. I finally have Dropbox devs involved and they are asking me to find these things:the name and version number of the platform an...
Hi Community,I'm trying to understand how to use "Tracking Mode" under task (see below screenshot). what is it all about? any documentation to read about will be helpful.ThanksMesh
I'm playing around with an automation that creates a project note and tags users. I eventually want to add a trigger, but I first wanted to make sure I could get the note creation process to work. I'm able to correctly provide the Note ObjCode, ObjID, and Note Text, and I also successfully added a...
I want the reference ID to automatically always go to the front of the title when converting a request into a project. I'm just tapping into fusion so wanted to see if someone has a similar automation set up
I am reaching out to inquire about the availability of an API that allows us to extract user names along with their respective roles for projects in our Workfront environment. I got one API https://*.my.workfront.com/attask/api/v15.0/user/search?fields=*,parameterValues:* but in that JobRole:Name is...
Is there a way in a task report to include a specific task and planned completion date? In my example I have a report for all Late task. For the Late task I can pull in the Next task, see below. But I’d also like to pull in our Delivery task name and planned completion date for the project. Any thou...