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Escaping Question Marks in parameter names


Level 4

I'm making a Custom API Call in Fusion and I'm trying to update a parameter value that has a question mark in the name. 

Does anyone know how to make this work. I've tried a unicode value an encoded Url value a backslash??

Can anyone help?


Thank you.

8 Replies


Level 4

Hi @RobertDy 


If you are using JAVA to make an API call, try to use the below code snippet that might help.


String value = docMetadata.has(MetadataConstants.JCR_TITLE)
? docMetadata.get(MetadataConstants.JCR_DESCRIPTION).getAsString().replace("?", "%3F")
: StringUtils.EMPTY;


In Place of title or description use the parameters that you are passing.


Level 4

Thank you for your reply. I'm actually using Fusion (I updated my question). 

However, I think I tried replacing the question mark with %3F and it didn't seem to work.



Community Advisor

To make sure I understand, you are trying to update one of a parameter's options? If so, how are you making your call? You shouldn't need to do any of this when making an update, because your update shouldn't be in the url.


Level 4


The updates are in the JSON object in the body of the POST request. 




"DE:Paramater Name":"123",

"DE:Paramater Name 2?":"456"



The name of the parameter here has a question mark. When I submit it, it then tells me it can't find the parameter with that name. 


Community Advisor

If it's in the body then you shouldn't need to escape it, are you sure that's the name?


Level 4


That was my initial thought, so I pulled the API name out via the API (POSTMan) then copied and pasted in to Fusion. So just assumed I needed to escape the character.



Level 4

Oh No. I've found the solution, my category ID was actually incorrect.

Slightly embarrassing

Sorry for wasting your time.



Community Advisor

No worries, glad you figured it out!