I am creating a query to obtain a list of emails from a dataset that is contaminated with invalid email formats, I have a query with many filters but there are many that cannot obtain the filters and when using the programmed query it generates an error. ingestion into the dataset. (Format validatio...
Buen dia estimados. Su valioso apoyo por favor con revisión, ya que he estado enviando audiencias a destino pero al momento de enviar me genera el siguiente error:Quedo pendiente de su apoyo. De antemano gracias. Saludos.
Hi Team, Could you please assist me with creating a dynamic personalization block in AJO? I know this was accomplished in Adobe Campaign Classic using Personalization Blocks, and I'm looking to understand how to achieve similar functionality in AJO I need to ensure that the email footer language i...
In Audience UI, there is a filter to group audiences by 'Data Distiller' as shown in below screenshot. So, I'm just curious how one would create data distiller audience? If possible, documentation link, please.
In have got journey which consists of 10 steps. Before every step I need to check if user already converted. In Salesforce its possible to set up global exclusion - if user converted then remove him from journey. Is it possible in AJO?
I need advice on AEP/AJO users best practices in AEP regarding profile and profile size. We have been working under the basis of always keeping the AEP Profile as light as possible. There are times when we need to send communications to customer that require several custom attributes that become imp...
Hello Team, Does anyone know when adobe is planning to rollout the journey locking feature for editing? This year or next year? OR not considered at all in the roadmap?
https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/query/sql/syntax#set What's the syntax to retrieve the property value? As per the above documentation it saysTo set a property: SET abcd = '1234'To get: SET['abcd'] But it is not working. Is there any gap in the interpretation?