In have got journey which consists of 10 steps. Before every step I need to check if user already converted. In Salesforce its possible to set up global exclusion - if user converted then remove him from journey. Is it possible in AJO?
I need advice on AEP/AJO users best practices in AEP regarding profile and profile size. We have been working under the basis of always keeping the AEP Profile as light as possible. There are times when we need to send communications to customer that require several custom attributes that become imp...
Hello Team, Does anyone know when adobe is planning to rollout the journey locking feature for editing? This year or next year? OR not considered at all in the roadmap? What's the syntax to retrieve the property value? As per the above documentation it saysTo set a property: SET abcd = '1234'To get: SET['abcd'] But it is not working. Is there any gap in the interpretation?
I have got a journey for an airline company. In the journey I check if the user:- has high propensity for an upgrade, - if yes then I would like to send them outbound communication, - however I would like to show them also the personalization on homepage using Target. How would you make such an wor...
When we create a campaign, in the email action surface configurations can be added. But how to change/configure the execution address at campaign levels? It is possible to override it journeys, so checking if its possible in campaigns?
I am curious if anyone has found a simple lightweight software to trigger an event to 5-10K customers with a custom data set. I have a file provided by a business team with 30-40 data points that I need to include in the email that customer receives. I need to do this infrequently and the data ma...
Hello, In one of our clients' use case, we are working with an external system to which we need to make two API calls.Call 1: Will give an API token. This API token is sent in response header (not in response body)Call 2: Using the token from call 1, we have to call another API end point to save/upd...
Hi Team, After exploring the email template design, I initially opted for the "Switch to code editor" mode. However, when I wanted to return to the "compatibility mode" (normal drag and drop mode), I couldn't find the switch button. Could anyone help me with switching back to "compatibility mod...