I am curious if anyone has found a simple lightweight software to trigger an event to 5-10K customers with a custom data set. I have a file provided by a business team with 30-40 data points that I need to include in the email that customer receives. I need to do this infrequently and the data ma...
Hello, In one of our clients' use case, we are working with an external system to which we need to make two API calls.Call 1: Will give an API token. This API token is sent in response header (not in response body)Call 2: Using the token from call 1, we have to call another API end point to save/upd...
Hi Team, After exploring the email template design, I initially opted for the "Switch to code editor" mode. However, when I wanted to return to the "compatibility mode" (normal drag and drop mode), I couldn't find the switch button. Could anyone help me with switching back to "compatibility mod...
Hi Team, After sending the proof and verifying its contents, the "View Proof" section consistently displays zeros for Delivered, Excluded, Sent, Bounce, Open, Clicks, and errors, despite receiving the proof email. Can someone please clarify why this discrepancy occurs?
Using Google’s Firebase Messaging service for both Android and iOS push messages. Does Adobe Experience Platform/AJO support this setup of using one service provider for both Android and iOS push messaging?
I am preparing architecture for a client and would like to understand key differences between Campaign V8 and AJO. What comes to my mind is: - Campaign offers possibility to write much more advanced SQL queries therefore more advanced audiences?- Campaign can work with external data base without nee...
Hello, I am a little confused about documentation regarding List Unsubscribe, specifically Mailto. We currently have this enabled and it generated a default email address. Documentation states the following: 'Depending on the email client, and the email surface unsubscription settings, clicking the...
Hi team,I'm looking to migrate approximately 1000 HTML files from SF to AJO. Is this feasible one package import in ajo? If so, could someone please explain how it can be done?
Hi everyone, Is there a way to access information from previous nodes from a conditional? I understand that from the Journey Properties you can access to the Parent Node, but if I need to access to the information of previous nodes to the Parent Node, how could I do it from a Journey? Regards,Diego ...
Is there a way to see how frequently a rule has filtered profiles? For example, I have a rule that caps 3 push notifications per week. But how many are being held back or dropped due to this rule? Additionally, can I bypass the business rule for a journey that is high priority?