Hi, I have created simple journey, when user visits "product view" page and goes back to home page, am displayed some heading. Am able to see entered profiles value increasing. but journey not triggered on web page.I am not sure what else to configure.Please guide me. Thanks
Hello AJO Community, I am seeking assistance with debugging Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) campaigns on the web. Despite going through multiple documents, I haven’t been able to find a clear solution. In Adobe Target, we can use response tokens to retrieve details such as the activity name and experi...
AJO is prices by Engageable Profiles. Does it only counts for outbound communication (users who have consent) or also all the users who are included in Web Campaigns? Some of the users engaged in web campaigns might not have marketing consent but would be included in web campaign - but they are incl...
Hi Community, What is the best practice for applying suppressions in a journey? Is it recommended to apply suppressions at the audience level, or should they be applied within the journey itself? If it is fine to apply in both the places, is there any pros and cons?
Hello, I have an issue with dates, for computed date, I need to add 60 days (validity period) & format the date.I can format the date but i cant able to add 60 days to my computed date. if i try to add am getting error as "invalid syntax missing schema field ". (using variable).ThanksAJODev
Hi, I am working on the usual abandon cart use case. How can I check if their is any item in the cart. For example user can start the checkout and go back to remove the item from the cart, and possibly remove all items and make the cart empty. How can I validate in the journey that there is atleast ...