We have opportunity and preparing the architecture for customer. One of the assumptions is to use Dynamics (as a source CRM and destination) with AEP.Would love to hear here some experts if there were things which were not able to be done by OOTB connectors and you have used APIs.
Hello there,I am seeking advice on integrating AEP and Salesforce for my use case. I am considering using Adobe I/O Events webhooks and have a few questions about their usage and reliability:Source: AEP (Lead and custom objects linked to Lead)Target System: Salesforce (or a Google Pub/Sub topic as a...
Hello team, Earlier with appmeasurement, we used to send Adobe analytics the ECID with "D=mid" to one of our eVars.Now with WebSDK, Adobe recommends we use alloy send if we have to use it on client side:return alloy("getIdentity").then(function(result) {console.log (result.identity.ECID);_satellite....
Hi, Is it possible to add role based email addresses in AJO when sending out emails? As an example, if there is any technical issues we want the user who recieves the email to report using the address abc@techissues.com and if there is direct complaints the user can report to abc@report.com Thanks
Hi,when I am configuring the Update Variable command for the Data type Variable (instead of XDM), there seems to be a problem with the available events. The list only shows up to 250 events, though we have 1000 available. Additionally, it's not possible to manually fill in the value because a "not f...
Hi Everyone,I am working on a requirement where it is needed to export the audience details along with a few parameters which are not available on the UI. Hence I am working on the audience export REST API as detailed here. However, the data I am seeing in postman is not getting the createdBy and mo...
Has someone experienced issues with the Log Tool not capturing the interact network request when a new browser tab opens after a button or link click? I have been experiencing this for some link clicks that open in a new browser tab and have not found any explanation and future fix, if any, to this.
Hi Experts, We have many data flows (50+ ) of them and the default monitoring dashboard is proving out to inefficient as we have to notify the source teams +stakeholders (100s of them who do not have access to AEP) about the daily ingestion status (new records added, new profiles , failures with t...