Hi, We have a Dataview with a few dozen custom fields (including Derived Fields and Lookup). Currently this Dataview is based on a CJA Connection with Datasets (an event dataset plus a few lookup datasets) in the development Sandbox. We are planning to migrate to the production Sandbox (Prod). Schem...
Hi! Does anybody have any suggestions on implementing Tags in a SPA? I want to become more proficient with Tags so I created a new Remix app (uses React) and a new Tags property. Should I just include the Tags script in the `<head>` for my environment, install a data layer extension like Adobe Clien...
Hello when the following field is present upon a schema, I am facing an issue when attempting to write data into the field. "sampleField": { "title": "Sample Array Field", "description": "An example array field using a primitive type.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } ...
Hello Experts, I want to add value to field which is defined as MAP datatype (Complex type) I am giving the following as calculated field as shown in screenshot below.ID_SPECIFIC_SMS_FLAG - 'n' but the field IdSpecific is not updated with 'n'; it shows as null . Please assist me. Thanks,Viji.
In the top right-hand corner when building a segment there is an estimate of the number of profiles that have qualified for that audience. How accurate is that estimate? On occasion I have business partners that have audiences <10 profiles -- is it accurate enough to pick up on sale audience sizes? ...
Hello, is there a way to remove a profile from being a test profile? I have list of profiles where testProfile=True in AEP that we want to remove them from being a test.I've tried uploading a new list of test profiles by removing those that shouldn't be test anymore via AJO but doesn't seem to work....
Hello everyone, I have a question related with Adobe Target.I am working on an e-commerce website where each product has unique SKU value. Also these products can have different variations (in terms of color, sizes etc.) so these variations are also having unique SKU value and are represented with a...
Hi Community, i have some doubt regarding file name specification both when ingesting data from a cloud storage and exporting full dataset. 1. When configuring a cloud storage connection we provide a file or folder name: when we specify file name it means that the storage should deposit always a f...