Is it possible, in Adobe, to identify customers who have clicked on a specific piece of content within an email. The execution we are thinking is asking a question where customers either click yes or no (they won’t be taken to a landing page so not sure how we could work this for it to count as a cl...
Hi Folks,I am trying to automate the Adobe Campaign management client console using HP UFT 12.0 and when I tried to identify the objects using Object Spy , all the objects are identified as WinObject. Has anyone have automated adobe campaign management or someone knows what has to be done to solve t...
How to extract data using dataextraction in Adobe Campaign ? and how to write a query that will update or insert values to schema with the values fetched from another schema?
Hi there, I am trying to create an A/B with Adobe Campaign following the instructions here: . I've created three targeted populations (A,B,C) and I would like to set up automatically a delivery for the target C which would be th...
I am taking Adobe Campaign Certificate Plan: Developer: New Hire > Campaign Specific > Setting Up and Configuring Adobe Campaign Client and having troubleidentifying the URL to download the client that the course video says I should have received.determining the URL to use in the client's Connection...
Hi,I created an account in AWS But I am unable to find the connection URL from AWS . Kindly please somebody help from where can I find database connection URL and connect with Adobe client console .
Hi,I want to be sure that email messages not delivered in spam and are ip in trusted zone, so how to perform IP Warming in Adobe Campaign. I want guidelines how to achieve this. Is is the performed by Adobe setup people or have to do by us? Please anyone help on the same.ThanksChandan