I've been working with workflows and deliveries for months. Today when I openen my Campaign were all my delivery folder empty.When I create a new delivery it appears on my colleagues computer but not on mine. So I can't see the delivery templates in explorer view. Why?I've tried the filter button to...
Hi,We are selecting values from two columns which does not include primary key or unique & binding it to drop down and thus getting multiple values in dropdown.The code snippet is:ctx.students = xtk.queryDef.create( <queryDef schema="stf:student" operation="select"> <select> <node expr="@fi...
Hi all,Right now I have "Neolane - Client console v6.1" running this on a Windows Machine. I'm a developer so the only task that I wish to use Neolane for is to paste code into delivery templates.I've recently migrated to OSX and this is the only piece of software that I need a VM for. I'm trying ...
Hi all,I am new on campaign side of Adobe Marketing Cloud,and now we are trying some cases on Neolane.I think that we are using demo edition of this tool,server is located at https://ac522.adobedemo.com.I created delivery which includes facebook link and finished delivery operation as success and t...
hi Team,We are trying to integrate Adobe Test and target with Adobe campaign. We have followed all the configurations steps mentioned in the following link provided https://docs.campaign.adobe.com/doc/AC6.1/en/ITG_Adobe_Target_Configuration.htmlHowever we are not able to see the link Include > Dynam...
Hi,This question is about using Adobe Campaign , Client Console. I am bored when I have to create a configuration again and again to see data., So my question is about how to save a "configured list" as a Template / Pre Configurigured List in Adobe Campaign, so that I do not have to make that layou...
I have a situation where we need to use 2 different type of Targeting dimensions. One of them is Doctor and other is some general caregiver (who assists aged persons). So do you suggest to create 2 different schemas for these? Here are the different options I thought and pros and cons. So need some ...