Actually in adobe campaign, the default set of tracking codes appear to be quite tedious to configure, so i would like integrate to Adobe analytics and Adobe campaign to track known visitors. Is that possible to track known visitors by this integration. if yes, then what are the steps to access it....
Hi all,my client is working with Adobe Campaign v6.1 (on premise) and I'm wondering if there is any possibility of tracking the Conversions / User-Events without using the whole Adobe Analytics (Google Analytics) module? Perhaps with some tracking pixel on a landingpage which is recognized by AC?Any...
Hello, I'm trying to add some fields to a workflow so that I can use them in an email delivery. The default length for a string field when using an enrichment to add the field is 255 characters. The text I need to put into the string is around 500 characters. To get round this I have used a SQL code...
When i am trying to send a delivery , i am getting the following errors , can anyone tell me why i am getting the errors and how to resolve them ???Thanks in advance
Can anyone help me in telling how to integrate Adobe Campaign with a mail server in my case , I have tried with hMail server but it is not working ??? Also if anyone can tell me how to import data in the recipients list in Profiles and Targets???? Any help will be appreciated , thanks in advance.......
When I am trying to connect through IMS, by checking the "Connect with an Adobe ID" in the console's connections window, its giving me the error as per the attached snapshot. How to resolve this. I am using "" as URL.
Hello,I'm trying to create a many to many cardinality relationship between two tables.I can't find any information about how to do that.Can you help me out please?Thank you!
I need to create a shared audience by importing an audience created in Adobe Audience Manager. For that I need this option "create a shared audience" at :Profiles & Targets > Lists > create newFor this I have already followed the Adobe documentation found at: Configuration 1) I have imported the st...
I am getting following error on login to Adobe campaign client console: Communication error with server: please make sure it is configured correctly.HTTP code 500'A technical error has occured:PostgreSQL error: FATAL: could not write init fileUnable to connect to database 'localhost' of type 'Postg...