Hi,I am using a file containing the emails(which is not there in Db) directly by using target mapping in delivery as "External File" to send the emails to them, but i have few questions on this1. Can we track the action performed on the links in the email based on the email id's(as its not part of r...
Hello,I would like to create an audit report (to send via email, automated if possible) to be able to monitor exclusion volume on automated workflows. In particular, I want to be able to output the volume of individual inclusion queries, exclusion queries, intersection results/complements etc... so ...
Hello all,We will be uppgrading our Adobe Campaign Classic now, and I was curious about which tests you have run to verify that the system is working as it was pre-upgrade. Thank you all very much for your help,/elly
Hello, My name is Rahul and I am working on Adobe Campaign Classic v7, build no 8936. Below is my query: Requirement is to send an image to a Whatsapp subscriber through a vendor API integrated with the Message Center instance. There is a need of a text message (personalised) on top of the image. Id...
Hello, I set up a workflow but my delivery is not processing it keeps blinking red. This is the error message I am receiving but I am not sure how to resolve this Can someone please help with this issue? Best,Elena
Hi,I am trying to connect to a third party service and download files as part of a technical workflow. However, when I tried to use the password from external account, I ended up learning that decryptPassword() can only be used in JSSP and SOAP calls.How can I avoid hardcoding passwords in the workf...
I have a IP Warming campaign set as a recurring delivery, I would like to see the stats for this over the course of the last 2 weeks, but do not want to go into each delivery and manually pull down stats. Is there a way to acheive this sort of report?
Hi All We're facing an issue while executing a webApp, it throws out of memory. I have increased the javascript limit in serverconf from 128 to 2048 MB and reloaded the severconf but it still throws the same error. We are using a sql query which fetches 50K lines of results, Is there any limits in ...
Hi Everyone, I am are trying to import encrypted file from SFTP in Adobe campaign using file transfer activity getting following error:" SSH public key authentication failed: Unable to extract public key from private key file: Unable to open private key file". Any help is greatly appreciated.