I have a data element that captures the Search_Term when users types it in the search bar. The data element is using Core - DOM Attributes: The rule is triggered via custom events when a user conducts a search action. When I type in the search bar and use the _satellite.getVar('Search_Term') I get...
A Page has 20 downloads we want to create a segment to show only the pages which has the word map on itWe created a segment to the PDF Downloads with the condition PDF Downloads contain maps But it is not filtering and showing all downloadsWe were able to filter it with the table dimensionBut we ne...
Hi Team,I am trying to send the pdf reports to team and in it, we have some annotations but the annotation summary text is not visible fully on pdf. suggest to me if is it possible to see the complete text.
I have a fallout report that shows 3 completion in the bottom in course of one week (Visit container).If I look at individual days the total sum is only 1.This leads me to think that sequence can be completed over course of days e.g. visits.But the end result I am after is the customers who complete...
I remember there used to be an option earlier to schedule reports quarterly via Analytics Workspace.I no longer see that option. Does anyone know a workaround for this? I have certain stakeholders who would like to receive reports quarterly.
Dear Adobe Analytics Team,I hope this email finds you well. My name is Rushi Bhavin Shah, and I am writing to express my sincere passion and enthusiasm for the field of data analytics, particularly in the context of the Adobe Analytics Competition.Unfortunately, I encountered unforeseen technical di...
Hello analytics lovers, I guess I have a kinda **bleep** question, I found a dimension called click to page in the data warehouse. In relation to other dimensions and metrics it gives us some pretty strange numbers. We kind of understand it as a dimension of occurences but I would like to know its m...
Hi, I have created a segment to only show me asset tracking codes if it hits on specific asset tracking codes and nothing else. However, I realized when I tried to dig deeper by dragging asset tracking code dimension under my segment, some of the data is showing "SEO" which is out of the norm and a...
Please confirm if I can do the following with the Analytics API 1.4 OAuth 2.0 redirect to a whitelabel domain e.g. `https://*/some/path/here`Refresh tokens that we can use to get new access tokens as necessary (offline_access scope request errors, but it does return a refresh token without it)
Somehow some of my team's URLs are getting distributed with multiple question marks in them. We have an evar pulling in the entire query string, so I'd like to use that to build a segment based off of that evar to look at this data a bit deeper. However, I'm unsure of how to build a segment that loo...