Requirement: If user access the web page from desktop,propX value is Desktop. If user access the same web page from mobile,propX value is mobile As per my knowledge,We can implemen by using User-Agent string.Any better solution?This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are for the sole use of th...
Hi,My company is trying to see if transitioning to DTM will be a good option for us. We have decided to go with the library download hosting option and I have a question regarding it. From the DTM help page I see that "JavaScript libraries: Produced by the Management Application and transported to h...
I was locked out of my site catalyst account due to a supposedly wrong password. Adobe let me reset the password, but it still locks me out of the account due to too many failed attempts. How do I regain access? Thanks, newmamh at Abbott Labs
Prior to the big release, when a non-admin users created a Scheduled Send on a Shared Dashboard, the Scheduled Send showed up in the non-admin users Scheduled Reports. After the big release, that Scheduled send no longer shows up in the non-admin login that created the send but in the admin login t...
We are facing the below issue for some days now. Just wanted to check if it is happening only for us, or anybody else is also facing the same issue:While creating a segment in AdHoc Analysis for Country=United Kingdom, segment builder doesn't list all countries in the drop down list.[img]Screenshot ...