I'm trying to remove the unspecified line from reports such as search engines - natural and paid, I fully understand what it means and why its' there but I don't want it on reports going to stakeholders, I've been unable to remove it at all from a lot of reports as detailed in https://marketing.adob...
Hello,I am trying to evaluate Adobe Analytics (though this has been the first Analytics tool I am working on) and have the following basic questions:1. How does Adobe Analytics make sure the data collected in their data stores remain safe and secure?2. Can one delete or purge the data collected by A...
I want to better understand the Order and Revenue Participation metric provided for a page or a traffic variable. Is there a way to simulate these metrics using advanced segments?For example, if I try this below segment:------------------------Container Scope: VisitPage contains "Homepage"THENOrder ...
Hello - I'd like put the country value (Adobe Dimensions > Visitor Profile > Geosegmentation > Countries) in a prop and/or eVar so I can classify it into our custom geographic hierarchy. I've tried doing this via processing rule, but Country is not available. Is this something easy I can hand off...
The newest versions of app measurement code now can do post requests rather than the normal get requestsFrom app measurement 1.4.1 release notes: https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/sc/appmeasurement/release/c_release_notes_mjs.htmlHTTP POST support.Important: For an Analytics call to u...
Prior to the latest update, we were able to add a "does not equal" operator to segment definitions. I am trying to create a segment to see my visitors that have watched a video. Ideally, my definition would be visits where evarX "does not equal" "blank". I cannot change the operator from "equals" to...
Hi We are hard coding a server call into an email for a campaign. I see the image request fire off with the variables in Fiddler, but when I check the report suite for data the next day it is not there.Will this work?<img src="http://stats.lfg.com/b/ss/lfgprod,lfgglobalprod/1/EMAIL/s1234525364?mtp=...