Hi all,I need to track a video on Omniture. Can anyone of you all please help me figure out how to do this? Should there be a specific js function for this task?Any thought is much appreciated.Regards!
Hi,I'm trying to enable some users to use Click Map.At https://helpx.adobe.com/analytics/using/installing-clickmap.html is said:The user must have SiteCatalyst administrative permissions or belong to a group that has been granted ClickMap accessHowever as a newbie I can't figure out the way to grant...
I like the concept of measuring Content Velocity discussed here, but I'm not used to using Participation Metrics so I hope there's a Participation Metric guru out here that can help shed some light on my doubts... I am wondering if we can do a similar analysis but for conversion-related reports, spe...
Hi,I tried to sign in on ReportBuilder, but it constantly prompts a message saying "Login was unsuccessful, username/password is incorrect". I've double checked my credentials and I'm sure that it's correct.Is ReportBuilder down for some reason? I know that Marketing Reports & Analytics - Reporting ...
I'm putting together a report in report builder looking at 4 of my production suites. I already have a dashboard with this information created and am simply looking to import the data from these. Note that the data/segments etc are identical to each other for each of these marketplaces.When I import...
Hi,Anyone successfully done the Demandbase - Sitecatalyst integration using Data connectors.?. Getting around 30% line item as "None" in the DB(DemandBase) report. Is that none percentage is normal when we use Data connectors? And, when we go with Custom JS Demandbase solution by not using Data conn...
I'm trying to get the internal referring page name or page path into an eVar via processing rules but haven't had any luck so I was hoping someone here might have come up with a clever solution for this.For example, if the referring page is www.mysite.com/results?color=black&price=20-30 and the page...
what is the best way to calculate the average clicks to the first interaction of a particular page? We want to understand how many clicks it takes visitors on average to get to page A and optimize the site experience to reduce the number of clicks it takes to get to page A regardless of where they a...
The new load of analytics seems to have removed the 'wrench' in the upper right corner when I use the 'i' to look at the segment definition. I used to be able to click the wrench and the segment editor would open, I could edit the segment and then when I saved it the report would re-run with the upd...
Hi,My company uses an external booking site to manage event bookings. Previously this has meant it has been impossible for us to monitor full users journey's across our site / the booking site using CampIDs. Recently we added our page tags to the funnel of the booking site (which are linked to direc...