We recently started implementing readability statistics for our intranet articles, does sitecatalyst capture this data or could it capture this data and the fields rolled into a report? When posting content online it is interesting to know how many people read but also try to review the content to s...
Hi All,I am a representative of a m edia agency and we have an important issue to fix it. We experience huge discrepancy between Omniture and Dou bleclick and it covers revenue, orders, clicks everything.... the discrepancy can be more than 80% sometime so it is really huge. It is impossible to reac...
How can I pull the following baseline analytics from Omniture: (if yes, how so - I don't see them in any of the reports available, do I need to apply segments?)Total Time SpentUnique ReadersSessions (sessions = visits?)Time Spent per ReaderAverage Sessions per Reader
We have a 3rd party security scanner tool that crawls our site. They are filtered out of our data set using our bot rules. However, we are still billed for all of the server calls even though the traffic is flagged as a bot. Is there anyway to turn off the image request so we will not be billed f...
Hello, Question 1:When I check the All Reports>>Custom Conversion>>Custom Conversion 71-75>>display, I find that page views is bigger than Instances.In my normal understand, Page views is same or similar to the instances.But as the image below showing, Page Views = 2120, Instances = 856.[img]Q1.jpg[...
Hi,I am currently tracking video plays on an internal video player that plays site-hosted videos. I have set up the following variables for tracking video:Prop 5- Video Name Evar 5- Video Name (Expire: Visit)Evar 6- Video Segment (Expire: Hit)Evar 7- Video Time (counts the seconds the video plays, ...
Our site has a traffic peak Sep-Nov so I searched the referring domains report and external campaign report to find the reason, but external campaign report has such a big gap in page views and visits with the referring domains report, and one of our most referral site has not appeared in the refer...
When I'm using Ad Hoc Analysis, I try to create a ranked report with different segments as the rows and metrics across the columns. I am able to view the table like I'd expect, however the sort feature seems to disappear. If I put dates (day, week, month, etc) or other dimensions in the row the so...
I'm unable to open Report Builder in my Excel files using my usual company logo. I'm able to access the web app just fine with the same credentials. I have uninstalled the old report builder, and reinstalled the latest but still receive the same error. Any ideas on what's going on at this point? Se...