I built an expense report that has a calculated field (Expense variance) - the report also groups my projects by Project - and I am able to sum at the group level for the planned amount and actual amount (native field) but not able to sum the calculated field - I am sure there is text mode that will...
Hello! I am stumped! I'm trying to add a column to a project report to show the staffing assignments on the project. I've tried doing a task report and an assignment report, but it isn't meeting the other needs that we have. The intent of this report is to list all projects today through end of 1/19...
Hi All, Very new to Workfront. Our team is working through our first pilot project. I am a Planner and Project Owner. I receive email notifications every time a task is completed, updates are made, etc., but Worker assignees are not receiving any email notifications of any kind. All Workers have con...
Last night, a clever colleague of mine created and sent me pdfs of the API Explorer in fully expanded mode, making a handy, offline reference. It was a simple and useful idea that I decided to share it here, as attached. Regards,Doug
Our acting Main Administrator was let go and i need to deactivate their account. I also have an administrator account but am unable to change their access as i'm not the main administrator. Any thoughts on how to go about changing their access? Thanks
I started seeing threads pop up about using "EXISTS" and "NOTEXISTS" in filters and was surprised to see that the capability, for lack of a better term, existed. The occasional question came along over the years about this sort of reporting, to which I replied "Not that I'm aware of". Apparently, I ...
Hi all! I am having a bit of a struggle setting up large campaigns in Workfront. We are an agency within helping our retailers promote new products, store openings, ecommerce, etc. We've just landed a couple of larger contracts and I am struggling on how I should set up these campaigns. One is for a...
Hi, Looking for some help on the easiest way to fix the planned start and completion dates of a large project. The 2018 version of the project was copied and used to build the 2019 version of the project because the majority of the tasks are the same. Just 2019 dates instead of 2018 basically. Howev...
Hi all, If anyone is interested in a video tutorial on shared columns, I put one together using my headset mic. It's raw recording and my first in over a decade so you've been warned! Then community has been awesome in sending over sample text mode so make sure you check out the latest! @Lena Mitche...
Hello All, I found a way to get Trello Boards to appear on Workfront. The process is extremely simple, but I haven't seen it documented anywhere else so I'm posting it here. First, set the Trello Board you're linking to "Public" Second, copy the embeddable link from Trello in the menu to the right o...