I'm reviewing some of my mid-year cleanup reports and I'm noticing that not all of our system admins cancel and put projects on hold the same way. Before I establish a best practice / rule for how we cancel and put projects on hold, and communicate this out to our system admins, I'm just curious to ...
Good Morning, We are currently overhauling our training here at the College. What are the best practices that your organization uses for the governance of Workfront? How does your organization hold people accountable as far as logging into Workfront and participating in training? Thank you, Laura Mo...
Text mode has long been my achilles heel in Workfront, so I hope someone here can help me out. I have a Task report and I need to display information from a Project-level custom form, specifically one of the brand-new Typeahead fields. I can get the info to display easily in a Project report, but it...
We use a custom calculated field to show the difference between planned and actual expenses. This rolls into reporting for each expense just fine, but I'm tripping over myself on the aggregation. The text mode I've set up for this on the View for this custom calculated field is: aggregator.displayfo...
Hello, I have been asked to make a report of all tasks in a certain project type (designated by the custom form on the project), but they only want to see the tasks for users who have completed at least one task late. I'm thinking that I need to use an exists filter(??) but I'm not sure. I tried thi...
Hello! We have daily project intake calls with our marketing partners, and I'm looking for some tips/best practices on how to create an agenda for these meetings within Workfront. We use these meetings to discuss projects that are in the que, in planning, or any concerns/questions the team may have ...
Hi, Wondering if anyone else is having this issue - myself and a few others on our team are having trouble uploading pdfs in Workfront for ProofHQ over the last few days. I drag/drop my file in the new proof section, there is a long pause (longer than normal), then the file name turns red. When I ho...
Did anyone integrate Workfront with Active Directory and have anything they can share? I'm looking for something that takes the load off requiring someone to tell me when there's been a user change, so basically as users get job title or manager changes in AD, this triggers a change in WF and if the...
I am new to WorkFront. I recently noticed that one of my team members is creating Issues instead of Tasks. I have coached them to convert Issues to Tasks going forward. I understand the difference from a process perspective, but i am sure they have different functionality. I was unable to find anyth...
For those who have sharepoint integrations, how do workfront and sharepoint overlap and what are you currently using sharepoint for? Thank you, Laura Mormile Excelsior College