I have a project report requirement for one column to display an external URL as a hyperlink such that users can view the report, select the link, and go to that site. This link is currently being entered as text into a custom paragraph text field (field is titled External Link for this thread). Eac...
I have copied and pasted - to avoid user entry errors - the following API text mode displayname=Go Live First Payroll listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(tasks).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=IF ({milestone}.{name}="Go Live-First Payroll",CONCAT({percentComplete},"%")) valueformat=HTM...
I'm reviewing some of my mid-year cleanup reports and I'm noticing that not all of our system admins cancel and put projects on hold the same way. Before I establish a best practice / rule for how we cancel and put projects on hold, and communicate this out to our system admins, I'm just curious to ...
Hello fellow Workfronters -- need your assistance if you please. We are an in-house Marketing department with creative, digital, video and online marketing all in one in our implementation phase (currently in training and departmental rollout of Workfront Core (already using other aspects)). We have...
I concur, David; excellent point. At LEAP London, I raised this "NOTES inconsistency" with @Darin Patterson and believe he is pursuing a solution that will ensure all users have the same experience with NOTES (one way or the other); ideally, in a way that will make the "https://one.workfront.com/s/q...
Good Morning, We are currently overhauling our training here at the College. What are the best practices that your organization uses for the governance of Workfront? How does your organization hold people accountable as far as logging into Workfront and participating in training? Thank you, Laura Mo...
Text mode has long been my achilles heel in Workfront, so I hope someone here can help me out. I have a Task report and I need to display information from a Project-level custom form, specifically one of the brand-new Typeahead fields. I can get the info to display easily in a Project report, but it...
I've seen this change active in our production environment for the last month or so, maybe longer. (screenshot below) I've tried to ignore it, but many of our users are unhappy with this change. Are we stuck with this format within the updates stream? It's not ideal - our users would much rather see...
Hello, I am wondering if any fellow users of the DAM also use Dynamic Templates? We have a use case for a new client that needs both the DAM for storage of assets and the functionality that dynamic templates offers so they can add variable data to items such as business cards/pitchbooks etc. I am tr...
Dear Community, Can anyone help me with the following challenge: I'd lilke to calculate in a calculated field of a User custom form the number of users with his/her role in his Home Group (or Home Team). Do you have any idea how to do that? Thanks for suggestions in advance, Imre Magyar VODAFONE Gro...