After the holidays, our team has noticed Workfront Proof did not recognize Workfront's calendar... does anyone know if there is a way to do this? Example, our company had Thursday and Friday of last week off. Those days are marked in the Workfront calendar settings. However, the proof showed it was...
Alright faithful friends....What am I missing here? This is for a issue report and I am using a custom expression. REPLACE({resolveProject}.{customFormsNames}, 'Form Name', "Project") I can get this same expression to work with other fields, such as; "enteredBy:name", written as; "{enteredBy}.{name}...
Hi all, Got this notification, does anyone know what it this is for? Is this the new home page? I tried logging in and was unable to. ----------- Your Workfront login URL is changing - update now. You are receiving this email because our records show that you have an account in our internal instance...
Recognizing that there are a number of Workfront customers who (as does Workfront) also use Slack, when you have 10 min to spare, here's a random but interesting prediction...with (bonus) a Star Wars twist. Regards,Doug
Hi, I'm trying to build a Project status report, that is one of the basics things to have in workfront, and it's a hard job. Although i build a report, with information of projects and i'm having problems using shared columns with a specific field: column.19.displayname= column.19.linkedname=direct ...
Hello, I am trying to edit my task template durations and predecessors. When I edit a task's duration it doesn't stick and just goes back to a different timing. And then the predecessors keep giving me an error message about dependencies. Is there a way to edit the overall duration so that it lets m...
Hi WF Community, Does anyone know of a way where I can filter a task report based on portfolio level field data? I have a custom field on the Portfolio object called 'Canadian Portfolio', and I want to segment a task report based on this field, but not sure how to do that. Thanks. Nick Nick Valerio...
Hi, Can anyone or Workfront tell me why the search functionality stopped performing at 100% and why it won't be correct until Early 2020? Before users could search for a document and they could find it without a problem, and now that doesn't always work. This is a bit challenging for our users. We d...
Hello All, Looking for your best practice when we want to connect a milestone from a milestone path to a project, but project A is sub divided in to several sub project A1, A2, A3, etc. And each sub project has same type of tasks but different part number. Looking for your recommendation. Please ref...