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Best practice - How to connect milestone if the project divided into subproject


Level 10
Hello All, Looking for your best practice when we want to connect a milestone from a milestone path to a project, but project A is sub divided in to several sub project A1, A2, A3, etc. And each sub project has same type of tasks but different part number. Looking for your recommendation. Please refer attachment. Kundan Kumar KGON (Kverneland Group Operations Norway AS)
1 Reply


Community Advisor
Hi Kundan, i have many thoughts on this one, so to offer the best among them, will first ask a few qualifying questions: have you considered Cross Project Predecessors ? if so, and you were to use them, from a control perspective, would the dates on your summary project report on the sub projects, or drive the sub projects? if the former, why is a summary project necessary, vs just a report that filters only the correct sub projects? when viewing a summary project, Is it sufficient to see only the each sub project's milestone dates, or do you need to see the dates spatially on either a simple timeline (eg just the key start and/or end dates of certain tasks, as points), or as Gantt Bars, or as colored Gantt bars, matching the common milestone path, and finally from a complexity/influence/transparency perspective, are there other cross project predecessors that refer to other projects that are conceptually under different summary projects? Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore