Hi Kundan, i have many thoughts on this one, so to offer the best among them, will first ask a few qualifying questions:
have you considered Cross Project Predecessors ?
if so, and you were to use them, from a control perspective, would the dates on your summary project report on the sub projects, or drive the sub projects?
if the former, why is a summary project necessary, vs just a report that filters only the correct sub projects?
when viewing a summary project, Is it sufficient to see only the each sub project's milestone dates, or
do you need to see the dates spatially on either a simple timeline (eg just the key start and/or end dates of certain tasks, as points), or
as Gantt Bars, or
as colored Gantt bars, matching the common milestone path, and finally
from a complexity/influence/transparency perspective, are there other cross project predecessors that refer to other projects that are conceptually under different summary projects?
Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore