Just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas from rural Lincolnshire, England, UK and a very Happy New Year! See you in 2020 x Jane Bradshaw BAKKAVOR LTD
Hi everyone, On this quiet Christmas week, one of my to-do items is to continue to audit and clean up our reporting. We have amassed a crazy amount of items since we launched 2.5 years ago. I have a handy Report of Reports that I refer to often, which includes great usage data. I have a question a...
On a project custom form I have a typeahead field with referenced object type "Project". I want to filter the selectable projects in the typeahead field just to other projects in the same program as the project I'm on. The use case stems from the Workfront limitation of the Portfolio>Program structu...
Hello all, I have two questions: On the resource planner grid, it shows all projects that someone is on even if they don't have any planned future hours - does anyone know a way to limit this so projects that are dormant to them don't show up. Once someone is associated with a project, they appear o...
I apologize if this is really basic of a item to ask about, but I'm looking to add the built in field for the priority of an Issue that the requestor selected onto a custom form. What I want to do is run a calculation and assign points depending on what is chosen between Low, Normal, High, and Urgen...
Hi All We have a manual process that i am looking to automate at the moment. Essentially when we upload a document against a specific task we go to that document and select "Document Details" > "Approvals" then enter the user who originally submittedf the request in the "Get Approval From" box. The ...
I'm a fairly new user, so forgive me if this is an obvious request, but I can't figure out how to create a report that will show me the Actual Hours for all jobs in a given month, broken down by, say, department. I can generate a report like this by fields like Completion Date or Entry Date, but eve...
Hello, I'm trying to build a grouping or filter within a program to sort projects in order by the first task date within the project. How do I go about obtaining this? The goal is just to be able to sort within the program so it shows us, in order the completion date of the first task. Hope that mak...