Hi Everyone! One of our product managers, Josh, and a few others are interested in talking to some of our customers about agile. If you use an agile tool at all, regardless of whether it is Workfront's, we'd love to talk to you. Please sign up below for a 45-minute time slot if you're interested: ...
At the beginning of each month we run a report on all hours logged by our team for each of the previous months in the year. For instance, right now we're running reports on hours logged by month in Jan, Feb, March & April. We are stumped to understand why the hours logged in a month keeps dropping e...
I am trying to set-up requirements traceability and I need to have sub-issues like we can with tasks. I would prefer to set this up on the issue object because that is what makes sense to me, but I will use the Tasks object if Issues won't work.
When you finally figure out that one of our most basic human needs is issue resolution, and that with the right tools and basic communication skills, you can solve any problem. #TheWFProWay --Narayan
I have a report that shows all in-progress tasks by resource for all projects. The issue is with tasks that have multiple resources assigned to them. The report only shows that task under one of the assigned resources. That task does not show under the other assigned resources. I want the task...
Not specifically Workfront-related: I'm looking for info on how creative organizations handle in-house creative reviews (copy/design mainly). We have a process that isn't broken, but it's not easily scaleable. Our reviewers are maxed out time-wise, which could become a blocker for us. I have some id...
PTO/furlough calendar... we can track everyones PTO via their own personal calendar but there isn't a way to roll-up into one calendar OR distinguish what is PTO vs furlough vs sick