Very soon, Workfront is releasing a feature where calendars have the option to ignore Actual Dates completely (YAY!!!) I'm curious, would people prefer the default to be No or Yes?
Is anyone else having an issue today when trying to add a new version to a proof. We just get the blue progress bar forever and the info to fill out for the proof approval never populates.It's happening with all of our users.
Hi everyone - I'm excited to announce another calendar enhancement now available in Preview. This new feature is planned to remain in Preview for two weeks before it releases to Production! You will now have more control over how objects display in Calendar Reports by opting to ignore actual dates e...
We have a creative brief pdf that is required to be attached when submitting a new creative request. However, I don't see any way to attach a document to a custom form. We want it be part of the intake form so the user doesn't have to go back and remember to upload it to the documents tab after they...
Hi WF Community, Does anyone know if I can create a custom report, or maybe whether there already exists a standard report, whereby I can see revenue by project based on the following? Default billing rates (for roles) multiplied by actual hours logged against projects I'd like to see a sum revenue ...
Have you explored the Workfront One Events page yet? If you haven't, go check it out! Here we have listed upcoming events for you such as: User groupsWebinarsBootcampsLeap Check back regularly to see what new events are available that you might want to join!
Long time listener, first time caller. I'm trying to help a department in my company with a custom form that is supplemental to their main request form. This secondary form uses a series of calculated fields to break down the quantities of marketing materials needing to be ordered for our 100+ retai...
Hi, I have a request where they want a task collection column in a project report, but the filter is that a certain role is assigned. Now, there isn't a way to guaranteed that the role will be the Task Owner, so I was thinking I would try the assignmentsRolesMM:ID you can do in a task report. Howev...