I have a milestone report which is on the Project level, a basic report, and I'd like to refine it to include only milestone tasks that are less than 100% complete. I can't find a way to do that, as completion date for tasks is not an available option from a project report - which is weird since it ...
Hello community. I am rather new at Workfront and fumbling my way through report creation. We have a report we are trying to build for a team, that the data they want to see and how they want to see it, will require it to be a project report. The columns they want to see is a mixture of pulling...
I'd like to copy the custom form data that's on a project, into a new request (vs. starting a new request and having to input all the data again). Does anyone know if this is possible, or a workaround that will let it happen?
Thank you, Adobe Workfront team, for sending a much earlier notification on when the next batch of enhancements will be applied! Appreciate you listening to our feedback requesting that we give our user base at least a couple weeks heads up when communicating the enhancements and window in which the...
This is my outrage of the day about Workfront, which are really piling up recently. The only way to stop showing external users the option to upload a document, a feature THEY CANNOT USE AND GET AN ERROR IF THEY TRY is to create separate request queues for them and turn it off. It means duplicating ...
Let's have some fun... If you've got a Workfront-based Mission: Impossible challenge (as I do -- two in my clipboard, in fact -- which gave me the idea, and I will paste below momentarily), I invite you to post them here so others can Accept The Mission. If they solve it, they get the glory (by pos...
Our challenge is that there are many departments wanting the same information, in their own way, then also wanting to edit that data. We have an instance where we are using a custom field to try to get information from a requestor via a custom form attached to a request in a project. We also have a ...
I have sent it to support but there is no way to show this. I have a dashboard I have pinned at least 4 times and in about an hour after I pin it, it is gone. Wondering if I am alone or this is pervasive?