We are having an occasional issue where user A is marking user B's tasks complete - possibly by accident. How can i make it so regular users can ONLY mark tasks assigned to them as Complete? I've tried changing it so all users only have View access, which seems to fix the above problem, but the...
I am getting almost the same digest from this community board but they are slightly different. They come at the same time but one seems to be just a little bit more recent than the other. In the settings I’m signed up in 2 ways.. Workfront Discussions (board) and Workfront (community). Does anybody ...
Hello, first of all, we are currently evaluating Workfront as our possible future project management tool. Until now we did not integrate any SSO method, but I would like to ask, if it is somehow possible to integrate more than one provider. For our employees we are planning to integrate SSO on ...
I want to see only changes on the Priority field in a Journal Entry Report for the Projects. None of my filters for Scope or Top Obj Code seem to be working... How do I get only the Projects to return? fieldName=priorityfieldName_Mod=cicontainsentryDate=$$TODAYb-2wentryDate_Mod=betweenentryDate_...
I recently had another planner delete a project and the default for the project hours was set to the default to keep the hours on each person's timesheets under General Hours. Now these hours no longer roll up into a project. How can I get them back onto the recently restored project so that those...
We are looking to implement a process to document the number of iterations a project/request has gone through based on feedback/changes from our requestors/reviewers. I was thinking of adding a custom form for the project managers to track iterations as it would become a reportable field. Any other ...
Hi -- We have a common problem where requestors will go to their issue/request and add comments or documents after that request has been converted to a project. We have added training and communication to our users about this -- but people still make this mistake. Is there a way to lock the issue ...
We have a number of fields for historical info - if a field is updated it automatically adds the info to the "history" fields. However, these fields also capture when the text is edited (spelling, punctuation etc) or when something is entered incorrectly. I'd love as an Admin to be able to clean the...
I have a Project Report that pulls in the current task details (assignee name, task, and planned completion date) using the text mode below: displayname=Current Task Detailslistdelimiter=<p>listmethod=nested(tasks).liststextmode=truetype=iteratevalueexpression=IF({canStart}=true && {status}!='CPL'...
Hi, Any idea/ tip for text mode, how to merge two groups to visible in one. Created a task report and tried to do by using standard fields but no success. Adding screen shot for reference. Please feel free to ask any other inputs. Best regards, Kundan.