We have large project plans and have some specific tasks that run the entire lenght of the project to allow users to log time to. Trying to find a way for those specific tasks not to affect the project condition. As those tasks are really place holders for time and don't get updated that often. But ...
Hi there! We're getting ready to rollout Workfront to our company, and one thing we've been trying to figure out is how to set a default *custom* view for a specific client project, for that specific working team. We understand how to share views with certain teams/groups, but can we take it a step ...
Is it possible that each request type had their own form and based on the Request Type Workfront would only select the form associated to that request type.
Is there a way to add multiple columns at one time when creating a report without having to select the + Add Column button after clicking on each column item you want to add? In example, in the attached photo, I want to add in the highlighted columns to my note report : Entry Date, Has Replies, ID, ...
Hi guys - We are currently only using projects in Workfront and I'd like to get us to start using more of the organizational hierarchy. Currently we track multiple deliverables in 1 project, but sometimes items that should be associated with that same work effort are then created in a secondary pro...
Hello,I am trying to figure out how to add a percentage complete column at the project level based on Actual Project Hours versus Planned Project Hours.This would be different than the regular built-in percentage complete, which doesn't work for us based on the way we set up our projects.For example...
Hi, does anyone know if an assigned task can be moved by dragging and dropping to another day within Workload balancer, I know you can move to another person but it has to be on the same day. Thanks
I am working on a new fun challenge and could use some help from my team aka this Community.I want to create a report that tells the story of how long approvals have been taking for a series of projects. The projects are within a few programs but there is also a robust custom form attached so there ...