Hello! Need a report that shows a proof name, the approvers on each stage, and the time it took for them to approve the proof. I've tried writing a couple of different document version reports, but I can't seem to find a way to capture the time it took to approve. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Hi,I was recently looking for Digital Asset Management and came across two links,1) DAM - https://business.adobe.com/products/experience-manager/assets/aem-assets.html2) Enabling Workfront DAM - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/workfront/using/documents/wf-dam-within-workfront/enable-wf-dam.h...
I am working with a customer and they would like a Gantt chart as part of their weekly status. This is for the executives, so they only want to see the Summary or Parent Tasks. I created a view, and it is exactly what they want. When I utilize the Export to PDF - even if I select Export what I se...
Looking for a way to view Net available hours by user on a report level. The system calculates in the planner view when viewed by project but not is the user view. Our support team/Adobe says is it is not possible to leverage this calculation in a report. This is a basic calulation when understand...
Hi- Is there a way to summarize a column in report with sum and average both? Average value at sub-grouping (child) level and then sum of all sub-grouping level at group (parent) level. Basically, average of all the numbers which are under subgroup and then sum of all the subgroup numbers which are ...
I am having some challenge with rounding the Portfolio On Time number to two decimal places. I followed the instructions from the resources I found on the Workfront community and Experience League but with no success. I have tried replacing the valuefield with valueexpression but no value display. N...
Hello, all our users of workfront received a 'Welcome to Workfront' e-mail from Adobe on Sunday 2/25. These are users that have had accounts for years. Was there a mass e-mail sent by mistake or is this some kind of scam?
Hi, I'm trying to build a project report that can pull information stored in custom forms in both the projects and issues. Despite all my research, I didn't find any workaround.
A team in our instance work from a Request Queue where Issues are assigned out. They track this work with Issue Reports filtered with 'Assigned To: Name'.A recurring problem is that when multiple users are assigned to the same Issue a Primary Assignee is selected. The Issue will then only show up on...
While logging into Workfront, I'm encountering the error message "No account associated with the email address." However, this account still has planner access in Workfront, as I've confirmed while using the administrator account.