Sorry about that, I left off part of the formula when I typed it out.
valueexpression=IF({hourType}.{name}="Task Time" || {hourType}.{name}="Project Time",CONCAT({project}.{DE:Project #}," : ",{project}.{name}),{hourType}.{name})
I don't know if I'll be able to explain this correctly, but I'll try. And there really isn't an experience league description of it, it's just what I've experienced and found.
When you are running IF statements on collections it's not just looking at a single object to validate if it's true or not...
Resource pools are basically only used for Resource Planner. I've pondered and asked this question many times - "why do we need resource pools" since it's just one more thing to manage. It always seems to come back to "because you need them for Resource Planner". So, it's a never-ending circle of ne...
That's odd and definitely annoying. Might be worth checking out your display settings on your computer to make sure they're accurate. It will vary for everyone depending on screen size but there is usually a recommended scale and display resolution for each monitor that could maybe fix it.
You can do an expression that will combine them.
This will have to be a series depending on how deep you go on your parent task structure. Also, this will combine them all - so if you have a task that has a milestone and then also it lives under a parent task that has a milestone it will include ...
This sounds like something Workfront Support might be able to look into. I would submit a support ticket or have your authorized representative from your organization contact support.
You should have received at least the comment you were tagged in. Based on documentation, it doesn't look like al...
@HTSchlegel -
For your first formula to combine the name and reference number it should be formatted like this:
valueexpression=CONCAT({project}.{DE:Project #}," : ",{project}.{name})
For your second formula you can use this:
valueexpression=IF({hourType}.{name}="Task Time" || "Project Time...