I am creating an A/B test which I need to run at a certain time of the day. When creating rules for the audience, underneath 'Time Frame' it says 'GMT +00:00'. Is there a way to change this, as I am currently in PT timezone (-7 hours GMT)? Or do I have to just allow for the time difference and set t...
Hi all,I am using A4T as the reporting source in one of my AB tests. In the 'My primary goal' section, I have used viewed a page --> URL contain -- '/pagex.html' as a metricTarget reportIf I see analytics report for the page (pagex.html) that is way more than 6,981 visitors.what is causing this disc...
Is this possible?The test was set up to Auto allocate to best performing experience so it seems Target was used as the reporting source for the test.Only we need to understand how the test experiences is performing on other key success metrics and we cant seem to add them in.Is there a way to do thi...
Hello all,I am currently following a tutorial to integrate Adobe Target with AEM using Adobe Launch and Adobe IO ( Integrate AEM with Adobe Launch Via Adobe I/O ). The tutorial indicates that I should create an API integration through Experience Cloud -> Adobe Launch but that isn't available under E...
I'm trying to update from Target extension 1 to Target extension 2 in Launch but I keep getting these errors when I deploy the build to my dev or staging environments:AT: request failed Error: Errors: sessionId query parameter is required;AT: [page-init] View delivery error Error: Errors: sessionId ...
We have a requirement to implement personalization test from Target in order to improve the site performance and to increase conversion by giving the personalized content which the users are most interested in. Can anybody suggest the best way to do this.How to build an audience and segment it in or...
Hello Everyone,We created one A/B test but we didn't activate the test till now, but still it is showing unique visitors number in the report.What may be the cause?.Is it needed to create another A/B test instead of activating the same.Thanks,Sushmitha
Hi,I have integrated AEM(6.4) with Adobe Target using API credentials and after that i have created and exported a experience fragment which has an image component.Now when i directly open the experience fragment it is working fine but when i add/embed that experience fragment in page from Target i ...
is it possible to execute jQuery code from the custom code box within Target for specific experiences? The website has the jQuery library loaded already.I am trying to do some simple things like $('body').hide(); commands, but no such luck. The end result is to use ajax
Hi fellow Target users, I am wondering if inactive experiments are still making server calls on targeted pages and as a consequence making impact on my page performances. I know paused Optimizely tests are still making these server calls and therefore they advise users to archive finished tests. Any...