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Offer list API endpoint only includes Default Workspace offers


Level 1

I'm trying to pull my list of offers via the API. I am only seeing the offers in my Default Workspace, and the JSON output for each other does not have the "workspace" property. Is this feature of the API only available in Target Premium?


Expected output:

  "total": 2,
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": 2147483647,
  "offers": [
      "id": 123456,
      "name": "My Default Workspace Offer",
      "type": "content",
      "modifiedAt": "2019-12-25T05:30:00Z",
      "workspace": 1234567
      "id": 123457,
      "name": "My Other Offer",
      "type": "content",
      "modifiedAt": "2020-01-01T05:30:00Z",
      "workspace": 1234568


Actual output:

  "total": 1,
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": 2147483647,
  "offers": [
      "id": 123456,
      "name": "My Default Workspace Offer",
      "type": "content",
      "modifiedAt": "2019-12-25T05:30:00Z"



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