Hi, Best practice question here, have a workflow that has been running for couple of days now on a single file that is normally processed in seconds... What is the best way to stop this file processing job. Without damaging anything on the Author instance ideally? Thanks,Peter
Hi,Is Hybris E-commerce connector package provided by adobe(cq-hybris-content-6.0.58) compatible with the OAuth v2 REST API of Hybris 5.7. Because in the current implementation we see when a user registers with Hybris, code is excepting a JSESSIONID (response from Hybris) and with the OAuth v2 REST ...
Hi,I need to write a service to fetch the node properties from page component and get the JSON response .Please guide me or suggest me some reference . thanks
Hi,I have a requirement to create a report of all pages published.by AEM.I noted that there is an OOB report "Page Activity Report", under Tools --> Reports.Its column "Type" lists the type of activity for that page and "Page modified", "New version created" are the only values I see, when I run thi...
HiI am working on the sample provided in the url populating the data in the data grid pulled from the JCR. I am facing the problem as the examples is not using the archetype10 to run the java code which was trained during the adobe training can someone help me on this.Do we need to create a project ...
HiI am working on the sample provided in the url populating the data in the data grid pulled from the JCR. I am facing the problem as the examples is not using the archetype10 to run the java code which was trained during the adobe training can someone help me on this.Do we need to create a project ...
HiI am working on the sample provided in the url populating the data in the data grid pulled from the JCR. I am facing the problem as the examples is not using the archetype10 to run the java code which was trained during the adobe training can someone help me on this.Do we need to create a project ...
Hi All,We have one requirement in which client want to provide the permission at metadata fields level for DAM Assets. Are there any way to provide the permission at metadata field level so that few user can see that metadata field and few of them should not see that field?Thanks~S
We are using AEM 6.1. We tried the solution based on https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/multiple-digital-assets.htmlWe customized HandleFile.java a bit (just one line). It is attached here. HandleFile.java has a method writetoClintLib and it fails with NullPointerException at ResourceR...
Re: https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/author/assets/dynamic-media/video.html#Publishing%20videos%20to%20YouTubeIs there a way to push videos to YouTube channels without setting up an Google Cloud Account.Why I'm asking because it's extra cost.Another article said you can push through Dynamic Me...