Hi ,needs to generate a report to check page data like when pages will be activated & deactivated under a particular hierarchy.I am using OOTB.Please guide me add extra field. Regards,
I want to add a new tab in the CQ5 sidekick & then a sub-menu inside it. How can this be done.For Example I need a Custom tab in Sidekick after workflow tab menu and a set of buttons inside it. Any suggestions regarding this?
Hi - I am working on a custom function in EXTjs..where in i am doing some field validation before submit of Page Properties Dialog. and based on a business logic I will be displaying CQ.Ext.Msg.show message to the author (Yes or No), the issue is now when the author selects Yes or No ,Also I am maki...
The dev guidelines specifies that:"For rendering content, use navigational access to the content tree instead of performing a JCR Query."What is the meaning of "navigational access"? Access node data via resourceResolver.getResource()?
I'm trying to disable the add button when a user gets to 4 (example).I can get access to the click event for remove, but not for the add. Some other listener must be grabbing the event. Is there a good way to "disable" the add button on a multiField component?I've tried this approach and could not ...
So we need a query to find users whose last modified date is earlier than say 2015/06/01 AND whose email address (property in profile) does not contain say "@mydomain.com" in their email address fieldCurrent query (without the AND is). Can you suggest how to add the AND (DOES NOT CONTAIN)path=/home/...
Hi,I have a setup where I am running three websites that use the same components, similar to this: Sites:/content/myproject/en-us/siteA//content/myproject/en-us/siteB//content/myproject/en-us/siteC/Components:/apps/myproject/Design Files:/etc/designs/siteA//etc/designs/siteB//etc/designs/siteC/My "h...
Hi All,I want to output template name as a css class on body tag of my page. In body.jsp we have done this, which works on author env but does not work on publish env? Is it because template resource is not available in publish env. Is there a simple way to fix it?<c:set var="pageCssClass" value="${...
We're in the process of upgrading from CQ 5.5 to AEM 6.1 and we're working with existing code that we have.We've recently run into an issue on some of our upgraded servers (can't duplicate this locally on a fresh AEM 6.1) where servlets that we have configured are accessible just fine via an anonymo...
Other than manually running all of the templates/pages/components etc.. is there any built in mechanism within CQ 5.5 or AEM 6.1 to verify that all the code was properly compiled after a package has been installed?