Hello Guys, I noticed that the tags that we created in miscadmin is getting created under a new path in AEM 6.4.(/content/cq:tags) rather than /etc/tags.I started our project in AEM 6.3 and was trying to migrate the content to AEM 6.4 . This is when we noticed that the tags were not working as expec...
Users not in the administrator group aren't able to change the title property of an asset folder. Is there a know fix for this besides making everyone and admin? Server is 6.1.0.SP1
Dear Community Users - I have a instance where I need to create and update a property(Updatedby); every time user makes the change in the page; the Jcr Node property value should be updated with the user login information.Any leads here would be helpful.
I have added all the pom dependency with Junit, WCM io, Sling Jcr dependency.But still when i am running junit the below error is throwing when resource is adopting to page or node.java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.osgi.framework.BundleContext.getServiceReference(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lorg/osgi/framework...
Hi Everyone,On migrating from AEM 6.2 to 6.4. the editable template is not giving component list to add new component in the parsys,On double link on the parsys, Only two options is appearing (parent and Convert to experience fragment). Verified the allowed component group for the template.Any worka...
Hi All,On migrating for AEM 6.2 to 6.4 , Dam asset version is not getting created, getting the below error*ERROR* [Workflow Starter Thread] com.adobe.granite.workflow.core.launcher.WorkflowLauncherListener ERROR: Could not find model /etc/workflow/models/dam-xmp-writeback/jcr:content/model, cannot e...
Hi,I am seeing a weird issue first time in my last 5 years while creating an AEM project using Maven archetype plugin(Any maven version)from scratch.[Using my office laptop]. Below are the screenshots.Seeing some wierd letters after creating maven projectAlso when I do mvn eclipse:eclipse or build t...
Hi Team,For one of our client requirement, we are trying to leverage the "Language Copy" translation feature in AEM 6.3 SP2. While doing so, Translation jobs are not including the assets (for example: Images) in my custom components. But the same is working as expected for the OOTB components (e.g. ...
Hello everyone,I have to make the Arabic version of my site.I need to configure in AEM 6.3 the possibility to write in "Rich Text Editor" from Right to Left. What is the correct way to do this?Thanks,Salvatore
So we have a custom group with all rights (including replicate) to /content. Authors/editors can publish pages without any issue.The problem is that when they want to use "scheduled publishing", they are not able to do it. Only admin can do this.What permission is required for this feature? I looked...