Hi There! I've just tried call a workflow with a JSON object with sucess. See below a JSON object format sample that I used. Now I need send more than one objects in the same time using a JSON array format. But there is an error like this: "'0' parameter isn't defined in signal activity."Question. ...
Hi,I have two questions about deletion of the delivery logs. First I noticed that it seems that if a profile is deleted via a workflow, the corresponding delivery logs of that profile is not automatically deleted as well. Is that correct? My second question is if there is a way to delete a delivery ...
Hi community, For one of my integrations in Adobe io console, the api insight is blank. With that integration there have been api calls triggered and were successful, can someone please help me understand why the api insight won't be seen? It's been few weeks now.
I have come across a problem to which I cannot find a solution. Problem goes like:Say, I have a table named "Products" and we inserted data into table using file. We had unique data in file and data also gets inserted successfully but when I open my table from client data>> products table, I can vis...
What's the barrier that is preventing this functionality from being enabled? It is preferred for us in many instances to go with recurring deliveries as it is difficult to be restrained by the single send option in the likely event that we send a particular email on several occasions to different au...
Hi, I am trying to load file into a workflow from the Adobe Campaign server SFTP. For example:My instance URL is https://example.campaign.adobe.com.The file I am trying to load is stored in /incoming/test.csv. From the documentation here, it seems to advise to follow the relative path of 'sftp<your...
I'm facing some issues during the day, when they trying to consume RT APIs on their ACS instance. Wee keep seeing the error below.This call is for capture Events RT stauts and verify theirs susccess. https://mc.adobe.io/<tenant>/campaign/<MC>/<event>/<token> We already tried to republish the event...
We have a client that is asking why transactional messages do not appear in the profile history. Can someone explain this to me? I've looked through the online help files but am not finding this particular explanation.