Hello,which module do I need to have installed to be able to use Campaign?- MRM (Marketing Resource Management) or Campaign (managing cross-channel campaigns), or necessarily both?And why?I am confused by the naming of the Adobe Technical Documentation:And I do not understand what is meant in the Ov...
Hello,is there any difference in the following two approaches when creating segmentation that should show the last 3 transactions for each recipient:1) Targeting dimension: Recipients Filtering dimension: Recipients Add data...Data linked to the filtering dimentionor2) Targeting dimension: R...
Hello,I have a cross-channel campaign. Example screenshot:In which logs should I be able to look at all my deliveries? - Delivery logs? Tracking logs? are there any other logs where all the deliveries are collectively shown for my campaign?Regards,Pavlina
Hello folks,can you elaborate on the difference between the "Do not enable" vs "Enable but do not execute" actions on an activity in a workflow?I am not sure I understand which one I can use in which case, which results I should expect and in which state is my workflow going to get.Here is an exampl...
Hi All,I am trying to integrate Campaign manager data API with my application. I am able to log in in to data APIbut not able to execute any query . I am getting access denied error message .Could some one please suggest any root cause of this issue ?Thanks & Regards,Adi
Hello,I have this error on Adobe Campaign when I'm trying to visualize workflow tab on a campaign in “Targeting and workflows” tabs.I’ve try figuring out but I cannot see where the error source is. The XML page cannot be displayedCannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error...
HiI am trying to export some delivery logsUnfortunately one of the related fields I need has some line breaks in itConsequently, when it gets exported, these line breaks mess up csv/tsvs, whichever newline option I choose when extracting the data.Is there an easy way to replace these characters?Chee...
How can be configured domain and subdomain of a pUrl in Adobe Campaign?I've Administrative access to the Campaign Console and also have DNS provider access; what need to be done in Adobe Campaign in orderto have pUlr works besides what's stated in the documentation here:Personalized URLs Bye
Hello folks,can you help me find where in the documentation I can read more about how many client console sessions can you have open at one time or about how many servers can you be connected at once?I am not able to find this information, I have been searching through the documentation but not find...