Hi,I'm wondering if it is possible to generate an overview of all AGC emails from Adobe Campaig? In a report or other format? Basically something that comes automated from the system and that can show the client in real time what they have, in terms of layout of the whole email (images, copy, prehea...
I want to know the answer to the question below.Which XML element correctly defines a 32-bit integer field? A. <attribute name="count" label="Count" type="integer" /> B. <attribute name="count" label="Count" type="long" /> C. <attribute name="count" label="Count" type="integer" length="32" /> D. <at...
HII have created a .jssp page that I can make a call to Message center to send emails. The issue that I am having is that when I call the URL from the Ajax/Jquery I get the Cross Domain issue (No 'Access-Control-Allow- Origin').Is there a way to handle that on the header or anywhere on the configura...
Hi,May anyone tell me how to keep the value of a global variabile (es. vars.numErrors) defined inside a workflow after the workflow ends its execution?Note that the status of the workflow is always STARTED because of an external signal.vars.numErrors is modified inside a javascript activity like tha...
Hello,I used the following documentation to set up and send out an A/B test.A/B testing However, the Delivery item after the script didn't have clear directions on how to configure. I had the following options checked, and I got an error saying, "The transition does not specify a content identifier"...
Hi,I have a requirement where I need to include duplicate email ids in the delivery, since they are different in having a unique segment id which is also included in the delivery. I am basically having a split activity and adding separate segment ids to each split (and overlapping the split data). A...
Hi Everyone,I have extended profile schema and added few attributes. I was specifically needed an attribute to be unique key with Integer (64 bits, ±9,223×10^15) as attribute type. But I'm getting following warning while I'm preparing publish.Warning : No key field in 'test (test)' has a dynamic def...
Hello,Within Campaign -- How long do your deliveries generally take to process -- before retrying on failed emails?The processing and sending is taking substantially longer than our previous system and I've been told a few different things from the various wings of Adobe support (implementation, del...
Hi, how do I set this filter?@eventDate <on or after> "current date - N hours"I don't know how to express "current date - N hours" in a Adobe Campaign syntax.May anybody help me?SalvatoreJean-Serge Biron@nkurAdhiyankirti.rawatAdobe Campaign