Hi,I see the following error, popping up in many of my campaigns. But when I recreate the delivery , it's sent out successfully. What could be the reason?Regards,Priyanka
The options are 1. Reply Address2. Internal Audience3. Proof Target4. Content ReviewersMy answer was Proof Target and Internal Audience-- I failed Campaign BP exam twice and I felt most of my answers were right as I have spent considerable hands-on experience. Not sure where I missed out few ans...
This was a question I was asked as a Business Practitioner. My answer was it will open the download window. Just want to make sure that is the right answer
Hi!I need to create a campaign trigger for Cart Abandonment.I'm following the documentation (https://helpx.adobe.com/campaign/standard/integrating/using/abandonment-triggers-use-cases.html) and I have a doubt when I have to create the event trigger in Campaign.As indicated in the attached screenshot...
Hi how can i concatenate a string in javascript?I used this: <Where> <condition expr = {"@ idEmail = '+ content. @ name +'"} /> </ Where>it does not workAbdelkarim
Hi Everyone,I am facing some issues where tracking logs exists for invalid email address on ACS Platform.Can anyone help to find out what could be the possible reason behind this?
Hi,I try to create a delivery and I get this error:"PGS-220000 PostgreSQL error: ERROR: permission denied for relation nmssuppressionaddress"I try searching the forums but no clue. Please help.Thank you,Rumm
hi ,I have created a custom schema ( Competition ) and i want to link Subscription service to this schema.The use-case is : Customer signups for a Competition and he receives an automated email upon filling the form.Currently Service / Subscription is linked to Receipt schema.do i have to extend nms...
How do we get the count of records in Delivery Logs schema using the primary keys of Recipients schema (for more than 20k records)?Primary keys of recipients schema will have at least one record existing in Delivery Logs schema.
Hi,Have configured an external account for SMS setup using "Generic SMPP connector" in ACC v7. While sending delivery getting error as "No call method defined in an external account". Status as failed and unreachable.Also, couldn't able to see smpp34.jsp. Please help me on how & where to get this ca...