Hi, is it possible to export a file of customers that have filled in a form on a landingpage i ACS, and is it possible to get the customers IP-number, date and time, plus personaldata in that file?How do I make a pre-populated form?RegardsÅsa
Hello guys! I'm creating a typology rule to change the domain of an image in my deliveries. Currently, I have three sender addresses on the platform, because I send e-mails from three stores that are part of the commercial group.The rule for this change should be as follows: If the delivery sender a...
Can you please help me understand the purpose of Delivery Mode = "Description" while creating an External Account? Is there a way that I just populate nmsBroadlogRcp table without actually sending any emails or generating any files?ThanksArchit
Folks,I am trying to create a report on delivery parameters (open/clicks etc), however I would like them to tie somehow to field in contacts table.While creating report, it lets you define a query which can only refer to one schema however we can traverse through one to many connections and select a...
Hello guys.I need to limit an amount of three emails sent per day to one recipient, considering the address I use to send the email. Anyone have any tips on how I can do this on the platform?Once again, thank the support!
I want to implement my java script function through form rather than workflow. When user put values in form at that moment i want to data to get reflected to user.Thanks,Diksha
Hi everybody,How to customize the "substitution of the address" targeting mode to map substitution address field to a custom field instead of email. My case is that we have created new delivery with javascript connector. Delivery doesn't use "email" field for sending. Instead of this, connector uses...
Hi,Spam Assassin (3.4.0)) is configured in Adobe Campaign , but when we try to preview and check score it is giving 0.0 always irrespective of content.Please guide on this.Message was edited by: Mod to remove Link.
Hi, My name is Julien and start using adobe for a client! I don't know why, but I cannot dowload tracking results from adobe dashboard. It always start then stop the process with two errors. I have already searched in the forum but I haven't found the answer ( google haven't help me a lot) Thx for y...
Hello, We are testing a SOAP API call to add a new record/email in a subscription but getting an error. It was working before but now we are getting an error. The error says “that record does not exist”, so somehow the script is looking for an existing record instead of adding a new record. If you ...