What is the best practice and number of environments for the ACS service? Does the development need to be deployed so workflow testing can be done in that environment? What is the standard flow to develop, test, and migrate the programs and workflow between environments?
When using the External Api activity in the Workflow I am getting the following XML-110009 Unable to find the element 'select' of path '' (document with schema 'dataTransferStep') error.This was working fine until a couple of days ago.Can someone help me with this?
I am looking to migrate email from the current ESP which is Exact Target over to Adobe Campaign. What are some of the things I need to watch out for? Is there an 'easy' way to do the migration such as bulk upload of html files and templates?
Hello Everyone, @SatheeskannaK (It will be great if you can help on same as had a expertise on same), Can someone please help in knowing the correct way of adding element in the Target Mapping of custom table. My custom table is Linked to Profile table by 1:1 cardinality and both Profile Table and C...
Hi ,We have some users left the organization or inactive currently in Adobe campaign Standard. We need to disable or delete them from user group. On disabling the user, workflows created by the user failed and to restart the workflows we have to stop them unconditionally and restart. We have large n...
We have been trying to implement push tracking in our app (Android only) using this documentation:https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/campaign-standard/using/administrating/configuring-mobile/push-tracking.html?lang=enand even opened a ticket with Adobe (no success) but we are still not getting ...
Hi all, in recents days got strange erros in some jobs... the diffusion is in error with this message :La diffusion est en échecUne erreur s'est produite, le traitement n'a pas pu être exécuté jusqu'à son terme. Erreur pendant l'exécution de la méthode 'PrepareTargetImpl' du service 'nms:delivery'. ...
The API mentioned in the below documentation is to fetch subscriptions for a service. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/campaign-standard/using/working-with-apis/managing-services-and-subscriptiopns/retrieving-subscriptions.html?lang=enThe issue is that it only returns first 25 subscribers' da...
Team,By Mistake, if a workflow or delivery (executed) get deleted, is there any way to recover that deleted workflow or delivery?Is there any recycle table or anything? Thanks!