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Error in diffusion


Level 1

Hi all,


in recents days got strange erros in some jobs... the diffusion is in error with this message :

La diffusion est en échec
Une erreur s'est produite, le traitement n'a pas pu être exécuté jusqu'à son terme. Erreur pendant l'exécution de la méthode 'PrepareTargetImpl' du service 'nms:delivery'. L'ordre SQL 'INSERT INTO wkDlv_2280037622_Excl( iMessageId, iRowNum, sGroupVal ) SELECT W0.iMessageId, RowNum(PARTITION BY W0.sAddress , W0.sTargetCode , ORDER BY (CAST(ABS(CAST(CAST(NEWID() AS BINARY(8)) AS bigint)) % 1000000 AS FLOAT) / 1000000.0)), IsNull(W0.sAddress, '') + N'|' + IsNull(W0.sTargetCode, '') FROM wkDlv_2280037622T W

the translation ah the error is :

Diffusion fails

An error has occurred, and processing could not be completed. Error during execution of the 'PrepareTargetImpl' method of the 'nms:delivery' service.

it's as if neolane try to insert data in a non-existent table
I have these symptoms in several jobs, but not in all of them. If i copy/past a job, the second has the same issue..
do you have an idea ? a parameter to change ?


1 Reply


Level 1

This is amazing, the issue comes from the "RowNum" this is an oracle Function... but we work on SQLServer and we have 1 diffusion who works well : in the SQL, it send ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION... in the SQL... that is OK...
But WHY sending SQL with RowNum ???? do you know if there is a parameters somewhere for that ???


this is so strange...
