Hi, I wanted to write python script in Script Activity. As mention in document the interpreter must be installed on Server. Since the option Python listed in script activity, does that mean python interpreter installed on server ? And After Installing the interpreter can someone elabora...
Users are having the admin rights as few users will have to work on their country specific schema's, how to avoid the user to have the admin rights and at the same time have the user work on their schema's
I am having an issue obtaining an access token using JWT too. I am getting "JWT token is incorrectly formatted, and can not be decoded" error whatever JWT token I use.Here is an example request I am doingcurl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -...
Hi,I'm looking for best practices for versioning Adobe Campaign files (schemas, forms, templates, etc.) and setting up a release process with the ability to build / deploy new releases.All functionality of Campaign seems to be available via its SOAP API, so it seems to be possible to build something...
Hi,We have about 152 forms/webapps in our Web Application folder:We wish to find and sort these forms/web apps if they contain a form field, "Country" in their content:Is there any parameters we can define in Advanced Filter so we can isolate/find these forms that contain the form field "Country" ea...
has anybody tried The SOAP web services for offer engine(inbound).Example is given in https://docs.campaign.adobe.com/doc/AC6.1/en/ITA_Unitary_interactions_Calling_the_offer_engine__inbound_.htmlI want to test the SOAP calls for the offer engine SOAP UI tool, but I am not able to download the WSDL ...