Hello, I'm running a workflow where I'm sending an email based on Country Code. When trying to deploy the email fails and I get this message in the log: Cannot find the '/@00g2yx6pKdp653PtiZm6SjpMc7IWxY5g09WeCjX4Dl8pVIQ7NdPFxAXys_uZ61J4XbUArr7neWDFX1QCmdF0jUt2uD0' resource in the '' version API.I'm ...
Hi all, Can anyone explain hard bounces where the error reason is 'User unknown' and how to successfully email these individuals? We have verified that this is a legitimate and real mailbox. I have also created a custom typology to ignore Quarantines to email this address, but it still bounces. Than...
An year ago, Adobe showcased this Campaign Master Plan in Summit. Where does Adobe stand on this? Master Plan Brings AI-Powered Efficiency to Campaign Planning | Adobe BlogHow does this work with Campaign Classic? Is this a separate product or part of campaign standard or classic?
What is the capacity of Adobe Campaign Standard API in terms of sending transactional messages:- how many messages can processed e.g. per hour?- are there any limitations in terms of amount of data that can be processed per request?
Hi team,I have created few functions in Javascript code and want to use those function in personalisation block for Message Center Template.For the same i have loaded the library and called the function.I have created a new personalisation block with below Snippet :<%loadLibrary("/cus/customizedFP...
Hi,A client asked me to implements a connector to adobe campaign, so now i need to work with your API.I found a detailled doc about this API there Adobe Campaign Standard API and i read that i need an organization ID.I take a good look into your doc and i found out that only company can provide this...
Hi, Is there a way to directly update database field in ACS without loading a file and passing a hard coded value ? I want to update email addresses of couple of recipients in ACS to a common email address.ThanksSid