Hello,If we are Premium Customers of Adobe Analytics, we knew that we can get real time pre-processed data from Data Feed? If we get data from Data Feed, we need to calculate the metrics from our end so that we can use the same into schemas. This is complicating the process!Can we have realtime proc...
Hi All,if i want to extract all data for the purpose of putting into my own CRM, i know we should go for Data Feed, however it has limitation on number of Rows and limited to certain period of historical data, whats the other options i could have?thanks!
When I use the flow diagram, I tried putting page name and the url in the middle checkpoint and study the flow. However, the highest visit of the next page AND previous page are usually the exact same page that I put in the middle check point. It usually has more than 30% of the traffic. I don't thi...
Hello - We are noticing inconsistencies with a few metrics we are pulling via the API when trying to compare them against the same metrics within the Adobe Reporting Interface. For examples, when I pull Trended Report (dategranularity = Day) the sum for the following metrics for a given day do not ...
Hi, I see that the Organic traffic has hiked up from 1807 visits to 2134 visits, 2292 visits, 2433 visits correspondingly and again has dipped to 1628 visits and 1208 visits in a week.1. Where can we check what caused the traffic hike and dip suddenly in the same week?2. I see a huge difference in t...
Hi, When I add add a secondary dimension (Site section) to a page report in data warehouse the table just ads 1 'site section' column and the values in it vary accordingly. I am trying to replicate this in a Workspace free table. The problem is when add a secondary dimension in Workspace or Ad hoc r...
I am trying to see a particular funnel (say fallout report of page A -> page B). My hypothesis is different version of android / ios will have different drops (users not going from A to B) with latest version having the higher drop_percentage. Currently, I do it by creating segment for each version,...
Hi there,What happens if two CID parameters are included in url?Our ad agency implemented Campaign id like this below as a mistake... I think.Is it possible to track the performance of each campaign by using multiple CIDs?Does anyone have this experience? examples url:/es/tvs?cid=ppc_google_170101&c...