Hi, I have installed the Report Builder Excel Plugin. However, when i try to login, instead of showing the login screen, Excel prompted me to download the login.htm file and navcancl file. I am not able to use this plugin and I urgently need some work done. Could anyone please shed some light?Tha...
Hi,never seen before an used "Daily" expiration for eVars.Hi would like to ask if the 24hs crossing is based on Adobe local servers (with a specific timezone indeed) or it's client based so it depends on specific analyst computer.Thx much,R.
After implementing/Configuring the Video Heartbeat Library (2.0.1) following the instructions from https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/sc/appmeasurement/hbvideo/android_2.0/And looking at the sample app provided in the website.Im having some issues implementing/Configuring the Nielsen ...
I have a question about the lookup files that get exported with the clickstream data. We export data every hour, and in each export I get a set of lookup files.The lookup files contains two fields - an id and a value. The lookups are essentially dimension tables, the main clickstream data set is t...
How can I track how much time (in seconds) elapses between two events? I would like to look at the time between two different values being set in a variable (separate server call). We are looking to do something similar to the TimeToComplete Plug-in described here: https://blogs.adobe.com/digitalma...
I noticed that when we setup a eVar in the report suite Manager, we have the option for allocation: (most recent, original value or linear ), this depend on how we want to give credit to this eVar. Then for the expire after we have a lot of chooses. I just want to further understand the meaning for ...
Hi everyone,this is my very first post.I would like to add a column (metric)It will get the value (page views) of the 4th row and sum it to each row from the report.New column beside page views : 3734136Is there a way to do that?Obviously, it s a very simple calculation for a start.thanks
Hi all,I'm creating a report about a specific page. I just can't find how to show statistics about the device and browser used to show that specific page.I know we have the Browsers report and the Devices report for stats about the website in general but I can't filter them for a specific page. Ther...