Hello, as the title suggests we are trying to add revenue values to Analytics without using the retail module. In the past we've done this with a Saint classification to the specific click for the product application but I'm no longer able to add numerical classifications. Is there any way to add a ...
I'm trying to do something really simple: add a custom variable to every page hit which I can filter in Adobe Analytics. I know how to use JavaScript, but I couldn't find any documentation for how to add something like "developerId" to the set of data sent to Adobe. Here's what my code looks like:in...
Hi, I was wondering how AA processes data whenever there's multiple segments (of varying container logic - visit & hit level) appended to a specific workspace. Consider this scenario with 3 visits below:segments applied-visit level (include) | page = home-hit level (include) | page = winter boots1 -...
Hello, I have an excel file that is sent by FTP every midnight that contains the classification details for a certain variable. It has the following format : Key | Title If the value of the variable matches what is in "Key", then "Title" takes the assigned value in the excel. For example : Key | Ti...
Hy, I have 5 feed at status 'Approval Pending' since many days (I think I had thrown too many feeds at once).But these feed doesn't change and I want to cancel them to recreate ... how can do this action !? Thanks
Hi Team, I have uploaded some data using Browser import for Products variable 2 days back. I am trying to add some more data to the same variable, but I am seeing error "The selected report has SAINT data that hasn't propagated to all servers yet". Till today I am getting the same error. Please hel...
Hi,I'm trying to use date ranges in a dashboard where the data is automatically updated on a daily basis. I want to be able to compare current month-to-date to previous month-to-date. Example: Dec 1 - 21, 2019 to Nov 1-21, 2019. The next day, both date ranges should increment automatically to Dec 1 ...
Hopefully someone can help me with this. Using the adobeanalytics_nativeConfig for AMP works for all browser but Safari. Same issue when I try to iframe the tracking page. [Error] TypeError: this.findField is not a function. (In 'this.findField(T.MCMID,e)', 'this.findField' is undefined) getMarketin...