hi all, On my website I have an anchor tag that has a property href="tel:0111 111 111" and using the google Chrome extension Omnibug, I can see that Adobe Analytics is firing twice on this event when this link is clicked. On another element I have, where the href="https://mywebsite.com", the event ...
I get this error when attempting to download any data from the Usage and Access Logs. An unexpected error has occurred. If the problem persists, please submit an incident to Customer Care through your supported user with the code: 20201019_5f8d92d65b64a
Hi I need to create the metric "page value" (like Google Analytics). To do that I found 2 possibilities: - create a custom metric revenue (with attribution model linear with visit as a lookback window) / page views - create a new event "revenue" with participation active and divide this new success...
Hello,I cannot see existing properties in Reportsuite Manager under my platform under my own experince. These properties are old and we can't find out by whom they were created, but I have to make transactions within the properties inside, how should I proceed?
Hey all, a short question of the functionality of Adobe Analytics related to "days since last visit: I have created a (hit) segment, where users are just covered by the segment, if they have visit pages of our content hubs on the website. With that i just want to track users of the content hubs. Now...
Are there any recommendations for a visit expiration?I know 30 mins used to be a standard for the web, however is that what is prevailing currently?Also specifically for mobile app, what is the suggested visit expiration?
Hi All, Could you please let me know if Adobe Analytics data is available in snowflake ? Is data sharing an option to access the adobe analytics raw data feed ? In our current process we extract the raw data feed through ftp and load in to the SQL DWH. Since we are migrating to Snowflake, I was wond...
Dear community, Could you help me to answer this question:Consider a Visitor is arriving on the website 4 times per month and the scenario stands below: Visit 1 : A >> B >> D >> EVisit 2 : A >> C >> D >> EVisit 3 : B >> C >> D >> EVisit 4 : C >> A >> D >> E So what is Entry page for Unique Visitor?F...