Hi! I noticed that there're vertical lines in my AA table cells. I assume those are the automated benchmarks that AA sets. My question is whether there's a way to extract the exact numbers those lines represent, so that I can learn how much my website performance exceeds/falls behind the benchmarks....
Hello, I'm trying to create a Summary Change report that compares a day or a week against the same period of the previous week or year respectively. For example, I'd like my Summary Change yo compare yesterday (full day) against the same day last week on a rolling basis (the daily report should auto...
We want to report on average scroll depth for a page and report as top 5 pages by scroll depthIdeally we want <page>: <average scroll depth>: total visits<page>: <average scroll depth>: total visits Is this OOB? What metric should I drag for the average scroll depth. I'll use the page URL dimension ...
Our bounce rate just got much lower, which we know isn't due to our brilliant content. Seems that we're firing a direct call rule when the user leaves a page (this gives us the scroll depth, time on page, etc... for the user, which is then used to determine the quality of the story in question). A...
Hi guysI am complete Adobe Analytic rookie but happened to need to modify existing setup to include visitorID variable. The implementation is using DTM and the custom for the system variables are already properly set. visitorID however is native to AA. According to documentation I should just set i...
Hi There, Want to inquire something more about the analytics dimension ‘Cookie Support’ >> 'Unknown'As I see quite a lot of 'Unknown' data happened in last several months, Dimension items include Enabled , Disabled , and Unknown .Enabled : The browser supports cookies, and has them enabled.Disabled ...
Hello everyone,I am going to analyze the correlation between Keyword searched, Exit Keyword searched and bounces by using dashboard. Any suggestion?Thanks
I note that in the OAuth documentation that: The default expiry of access tokens is 24 hours. You can refresh an access token without prompting the user for permission again even if a user is not present. The refresh token, by default, expires in 2 weeks.Is there a way to change the default expirati...
Hi! Wondering if anyone is able to help out with some knowledge transfer on Processing Rules. I've looked into several links that are available online about them but was still left with some questions. Does anyone have an example of how processing could potentially be set up to contradict each other...
Can someone please let me know if a single Adobe Analytics user account can be accessed simultaneously/concurrently from multiple devices at the same time?