I see that the Adobe experience platform mobile sdk for Analytics is available for native technologies like iOS and Android, would like to know if there is an SDK for a cross platform technology, specifically - Nativescript Vue. Thanks in advance
Hi there, Ive never worked with AA before so apologies for the beginner question. Ive been tasked to track a modal but after reading online documentation and the blogs of implementation experts (Jim Gordon, etc) Im still very confused by the many different ways of doing it. Seems like theres eVars, ...
Hi,Does anyone know if it's possible to classify/use processing rules (or other methods) with the out of the box variables in Adobe Analyticsi.e. Classifying Visit Number to New / Repeat (removing the need the New/Repeat plugin and keeping this data as a dimension rather than a segment) or Mobile De...
Dear customer care team,I am having issues with workspaces that are exported as PDF on a scheduled basis. If I manually export them everything works just fine but the automated exports often show error messages such as " One of the segments or the search in this visualization contains a text search ...
Hi guys, I have got 2 questions in regards to marketing channels How can I exclude checkout.telstra.com.au from my referring domain ?I have put this in my internal URL filter but still getting the checkout values in my marketing channel details Also what can I do to get the referring domain instead...
Hi everyone! What's the specific permission in the Admin Console to allow users to approve segments and calculated metrics as described here:https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/analytics/components/calculated-metrics/calcmetric-workflow/cm-approving.html?lang=en#calculated-metrics
The AdCloud extension in Adobe Launch offers one Action Type: "Track Conversion". As part of this Action, I can prescribe a "Conversion Property Name" and a corresponding "Value". Both "Conversion Property Name" and "Value" fields permit the use of a Data Element. The behaviour of the Data Element d...
I have a situation where in one page, we have multiple buttons that open the same overlay within the page. However, each button has been coded as a DIV element, with a click event added to it.I've added "s_objectID" to each of these DIVs. When I click all of them, I expect Activity Map to record tha...
How to track server side rest service from Analytics? If i want to keep tracking on count of a specific restful service invoked in a server. Do we have any tools in Adobe to track it. For example in server we have a rest service /api/SendAgent service. I want to track no of visits to this service f...
Dear members,I only use Adobe Analytics once a month to get the visits & views per page on the Health & Wellbeing page for my line manager. I hadn't run the report since Feb 2020 due to lockdown and not having remote access. Now when I run the report, it will only give me the figures for Oct & Nov...