Hi Team, I need to track the visits of category listing page, but in category listing page variables were not passed, so I made the changes in the same and set the variables for same. But after making changes, in report it is still coming unspecified and in server call it is coming right. So, can te...
Hello! I am new in Adobe Analytics.I understad how to track campaigns in Adobe (using the Javascript Plugin and also the UTM Smart Manager). But when i make this change,how can i track my campaigns in Google Analytics? Because the parameter will be something like this: cid:facebook:cpc:campaign1:te...
Hi- this might be a fairly basic question for someone familiar with Data warehouse reports, but I'm new to it, any help would be appreciated! I was trying to fetch data as follows-The first dimension (say d1) was broken down by another dimension (say d2), further broken down by dimension d3 which is...
I have a set of pages and I want to understand their role in conversions on a visitor level. The Segment ABC Traffic is defined as(URL begins with A or URL begins with B or URL begins with C or URL begins with D)I created a Visitor level Segment of the above logic and was able to get the number of O...
Hi, are the dimensions and metrics documented somewhere?The Dimensions and Metrics section of the documentation present a few, but without the actual ids to be used in Analytics API.The only way I've found to get the full list and ids of dimensions/metrics is to hit the API directly. It would be gre...
Would it be correct to say that - It's possible for a visitor visiting my site for the nth time (Visit Number-'n')can have multiple visits(Visits metric >1) corresponding to that particular visit number?
Hi I am trying to figure out the conversion rate of our customers using fallout visualization in the workspace.But when I make the fallout chart I get different results with prop and evar.I understand the difference between eVar and prop(persisted/non-persisted one). I just wonder which one is suita...
we could not get the report as, just get the information that:" An unexpected error has occurred. If the problem persists, please submit an incident to Customer Care through your supported user with the code: 20210624_60d53ec87819a"
One of our site owners is not getting Activity Map data for a dropdown menu. The code for this is: <input type="button" value="Go" class="dropDownButton">Which seems to be valid per this line from Adobe's docs:"Is this an INPUT tag or SUBMIT button with a value or child text?" It *is* an input tag a...