Hi all, Has anyone successfully updated the segment definition via the AA API 2.0? I can update the name, description and owner but not the definition.I get an 400 response when trying the below JSON with "definition" added and a 200 response when removing "definition" and just having "container" : ...
I'm re-querying the existing job w/ destination being GCP bucket, but for some reason it says "Error - Failure To Send" and the email notification received tells the below error. Could someone help what does this err mean and how we could tackle it? As an alternate when I tried emailing the report ...
Hi All, We have a system where we look at the Raw Full URL of the page, then the Operating System, then the IP Address in Adobe Analytics to identify bot traffic. We are getting a full URL with "?test=1" in the query string parameter that seems to be bot traffic. Are there other ways or query string...
Prerequisites and Key Information for Implementing Analytics for Advertising | Adobe AdvertisingAdobe documentation issue. My understanding is that appMeasurement.js is not required if you use alloy.js. Unsure, who to raise it with.
I think for pdf download , there are 3 way we can track in launch, right?1) by default enable it in adobe analytics extension2) defined adobe event like event1 for download pdf3) custom link (which is I am not sure)please explain which one should be used when ? with example.in client website, there ...
Dear All,all links are currently tracked through custom links without defined any Adobe eventsis this good practice ? if not then what will be the impact.
It is so easily done, so near to the expand button when your panels are collapsed but there is no warning! It was only luck that I saw it go and used Ctrl-Z to get it back. Please add a warning popup so that panels don't just get deleted by accident! I am sure there will be support for this. Or if t...
Hi Everyone! I was wondering what you all like to look at as far as analyzing performance and providing recommendations and insights as far as branding and awareness? We don't have ecommerce or a way to look at direct ROI. Maybe what are key dimensions you slice on? https://experienceleague.adobe.co...
you tube tracking i have included as per the documentation as to add id and query string parameters enablejsapi and rel parameter./*<iframe class="cmp-embed__youtube-iframe" title="youtube video" data-cmp-data-layer="{"youtube-carousel":{"@type":"core/wcm/components/embed/v1...
We are seeking to understand the visit behavior of each marketing channel by entry pages. However, when breaking down for example “Direct” only 40% of the visits from Direct are attributed to an entry page, the other 60% of the visits are lost. Why is this?